What to expect?
- Please arrive sober because you will have to sign a safety agreement and other paperwork!
- Be aware of the law and DO NOT drive in any altered state other than being completely sober. Please make arrangements for transportation after the practice, if needed.
- You may have heard of smudging or saging. It is a powerful ritual to cleans all negative energy we collected throughout our day of us to invite new energy into our shared space for the practice. All participants including myself will be saged before we begin the practice together.
- Partaking act
- We will do a centering and grounding practice including some breathing.
- Intention setting: all of us will set an intention for what we are looking to call in.
- Enjoy your experience
What do I need for the practice?
- A quiet, clean, space without any clutter for the duration of the practice
- Comfortable clothes
- Yoga mat or any kind of mat you're comfortable on and can lay down on
- A cozy blanket and maybe a small flat pillow unless you're fine laying down without one
- Water bottle - make sure you've plenty of water
- Eye covering optional
- Small towel can also act as eye covering
- Any meaningful or spiritual items you wish to bring (gems, rocks, beads, little statues etc.)
Do I need my own cannabis?
- I would recommend bringing your own, if you can since you're most familiar what works best for you. In case you cannot bring your own please contact me in a timely manner and we can make arrangements.
- You will need your OWN partaking device (pipe, vape pen, etc.)
- If you are new to the use of cannabis or it has been a while please contact me and we can address any other questions you may have.
When, where and how much should I imbibe/partake?
- I recommend imbibing at site at the beginning of our practice.
- The amount depends on your frequency of cannabis intake - if you use cannabis daily your tolerance is usually higher than the tolerance of someone partaking once a week or twice a month.
Are edibles a good choice?
- Obviously edibles are taken orally and usually take a certain period of time before they show an effect. This is from individual to individual very different and can vary from 30 minutes to over an hour, as well as it can be quite difficult to time for the beginning of the practice. Only for that reason they are a not the best choice.
In case you have more questions, please connect with me and I would love to take the time needed to address anything you share with me. Can't wait to hear from you :)